Reduce or Eliminate Leaks with These Incontinence Tips

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Reduce or Eliminate Leaks with These Incontinence Tips

Reduce or Eliminate Leaks with These Incontinence Tips
Urinary incontinence can have a negative impact on your self-esteem. It may even cause you to spend more time at home and less time doing the activities you love because you fear a leak.

You don’t have to live your life according to your next accident. It is possible to reduce or completely eliminate leaks when you follow these incontinence tips.

Use pelvic floor exercises
Pelvic floor exercises can be hugely helpful in dealing with urinary incontinence. They involve sitting in a chair with your feet flat on the floor while you contract your pelvic floor muscles, which are the muscles that control your urine stream. Sets of ten should be done twice per day to see results in three to six months.

These exercises can also be used to retrain your bladder. As your muscles strengthen, your bladder will be able to hold more urine, and you can practice delaying your trips to the bathroom.

Limit alcohol and caffeine
What you drink can have a huge effect on your bathroom habits. Alcohol and caffeinated beverages are considered diuretics, which means they increase urine production. If you already have trouble with incontinence, drinking these types of beverages will just make it worse.

You also have to be cautious of the amount of liquid you consume. Drinking water is very good for your health, but if you’re drinking too much, you can end up experiencing accidents. Drink no more than eight glasses of water each day, unless your doctor provides you with a different recommendation.

Urinary leaks don’t have to run your life! With these incontinence tips, and additional advice from a home health care aid at Life & Health Care, you can live life on your terms without worrying about experiencing an accident.