Preparing Seniors for Surgery

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Preparing Seniors for Surgery

A lot goes into preparing a patient for surgery. The doctor will need a medical history of the patient and a list of medications, in addition to all the prep that takes place immediately before the surgery.

It’s easy for caregivers to feel like there isn’t much they can do to help. Fortunately, when it comes to seniors and surgery, there are things you can do to help your loved one prepare for a big procedure.

Get to know their physicians
Two heads are always better than one at a doctor’s appointment. Offer to accompany your loved one to the doctor’s office.

Not only can you get to know their physicians better, but you’ll also ask questions about seniors and surgery that your loved one may not have thought of, enabling them to get to know their physicians better too. Not to mention, your mere presence will ensure your loved one feels supported.

Be there during surgery
There’s nothing like seeing a friendly face right before you go into the operating room. It will put your loved one in a positive mindset, which can be beneficial during surgery.

If you’re able, hang out in the waiting room. If not, at least make sure you’re available shortly after the surgery is complete. That way they have your company to look forward to after surgery.

Help with recovery
Seniors and surgery can be tricky because nearly every procedure requires recovery time. Be there to help, and know what symptoms to look out for.

You don’t have to be the sole support for a senior who is preparing for surgery. Life & Health Care would be happy to help your loved one recover, no matter what the procedure. Call or fill out our online form to get the support you need to help your loved one through surgery.