Home Health Care

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Home Health Care

What Is a Day in the Life of an Elderly Person in a Home?
Home health care is a broad term. Because it is so broad, it can create anxiety among the elderly who will be receiving the care in their homes, and it can also create anxiety among friends and family members. What exactly does a day in the life of an elderly person who is receiving care at home look like?

Meals and medication
For many who receive home health care, the day starts with medication and a meal. Care aides are there to make sure the elderly take the right medication at the right time, which usually means taking medication first thing in the morning. It’s also a great time to prepare a meal, or help the patient create a meal plan for the rest of the day or week.

Errands and chores
With a strong start to the day, those receiving home health care can take care of errands and chores with energy and confidence! Care aides can provide the elderly with light housekeeping, they can run errands, and they can help modify the home in minor but impactful ways to improve environmental safety, like by identifying and correcting trip hazards.

Part of their care duties can also include appointments. An aide can not only make appointments, they can also provide the elderly with transportation to those appointments.

Later in the day is the perfect time to relax. A home health care professional can make sure the elderly don’t have to relax alone. They can engage their patients in meaningful conversations, take brief walks, and even play card games. That way, they don’t feel so lonely, even if their family can’t come to visit.

A day in the life of each elderly person can look much different, depending on the home health care services they need. Contact Life and Health Care to create a custom care plan for you or a loved one.