How Do People Cope with Growing Old Without Children?

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How Do People Cope with Growing Old Without Children?

How Do People Cope with Growing Old Without Children?
More and more people are choosing not to have children. That frees up more time and money to build a career or travel the world, but it can cause some problems that many people don’t anticipate as they get older.

Children often help care for and support their elderly parents, but how do you cope with growing old when you don’t have children?

Plan early
It’s important for those growing old without children to plan for their care early. Save for your retirement knowing that you will likely need extra funds for care solutions. The earlier you save, and the more money you save, the more options you’ll have when you find yourself needing a little extra help.

Remain social
Humans are social beings, and maintaining those social connections is even more important as we age, especially if you’re growing old without children around to provide you with social support.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to an old friend you haven’t talked to in a while, be open to creating new friendships, and be the person who invites people over. It may be frustrating at first to be the one reaching out, but you and your friends will benefit from it greatly.

Consider moving
Transportation is a huge challenge of growing old, and without children around to help run errands and take you to appointments, you’ll have to figure it out on your own. It’s a lot easier if you live in a community with public transportation, or in a community that focuses on social connections, so you may want to consider moving.

The right help from compassionate, caring people will be there when you need it, as long as you are prepared for the challenges of growing old without children. If you or someone you love is ready for a little extra assistance, and they don’t have children to help, call Life & Health Care today.