Caring Ways to Convince Your Loved One to Go to a Home Health Care Facility

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Caring Ways to Convince Your Loved One to Go to a Home Health Care Facility

Caring Ways to Convince Your Loved One to Go to a Home Health Care Facility
Going to a home health care facility isn’t something most seniors look forward to. It used to be nursing homes were the only choice, and the thought of getting up at dawn and being forced to bathe and eat on someone else’s schedule doesn’t sound like fun, no matter what your age or medical challenges.

Today, there are more choices than ever before, but convincing a loved one that it’s the right choice can be difficult. Here are some tips for convincing them it’s time to move, without being pushy or appearing uncaring.

Use a teachable moment to plant the seed
Most seniors aren’t willing to consider the possibility of moving until there’s an obvious reason. Instead of badgering your loved one about moving, wait until there’s a teachable moment. Mention the safety of a care facility the next time they have an accident in the kitchen or they slip in the bathroom.

Talk up the benefits of a health care facility
Your loved one likely wants to live independently for as long as possible. That’s exactly what a health care facility allows them to do! You just have to get them to see it that way.

Talk up the benefits of assisted living. They don’t have to mow the lawn, worry about repairs, and their apartment already has important safety features installed.

Talk to those living at the facility
Being surrounded by new people can be scary. Make it easier by asking around to see if someone your loved one knows already lives there, or see if you can stop by for a meal or an activity.

Home Care services can be a good first step before going to a home health care facility. If your loved one is more open to being assisted in their home, call Life & Health Care.