Do Home Health Care Companies Need To Be Licensed?

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Do Home Health Care Companies Need To Be Licensed?

There are multiple things to consider when searching for a home care provider. One thing that’s likely to come up during your search is the health care companies license to operate. Are agencies required to hold a license? And if so, what does it actually mean?

It’s important to understand the difference between licensure of the agency and licensure of the staff, as well as how licensure can affect your care or a loved one’s care.

Licensure of the agency
Licensure for home health care companies varies by state, with some states requiring more certifications and oversight than others. In Iowa, The Department of Inspections and Appeals (DIA) supports health facilities with licensing, certification, and surveys. Home health agencies are included in their oversight, and a written plan of treatment is required for each patient.

Even if certain licensure and qualifications aren’t required by law in some areas, it’s a good idea to see if the agency has them anyway. A good health care company will obtain a variety of operational licenses and certifications to demonstrate their knowledge and commitment to providing outstanding service and care.

Licensure of the staff
Don’t confuse licensure of the agency with licensure of the staff. Just because a health care company is licensed doesn’t mean all of their staff is legally able to provide certain services.

What really matters is whether or not the staff members are properly licensed and certified to provide care. For example, home care aides may not be licensed to perform certain medical procedures, but they should still be trained and certified to provide in-home care services. Registered nurses should be properly licensed to perform medical duties that other aides cannot.

Implications for care
Considering the health care companies license and whether or not the staff is licensed can make obtaining care confusing. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask the agency you’re interviewing or working with to share their licenses and certifications, as well as the accomplishments of their staff.

The caregivers at Life & Health Care are extensively vetted to ensure quality of care, while our agency is the premier provider of in-home care in North Central Iowa. Contact us today to learn more about the qualifications of our agency, as well as the qualifications of our care providers.