Dementia and Caregiving

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Dementia and Caregiving

Why Is Taking Care of People with Dementia so Stressful for Caregivers?
Dementia and caregiving go hand-in-hand. That’s because this medical condition means much more than just forgetting who is president or where the keys are. It can affect nearly every area of a patient’s life, which is why taking care of a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia can be so difficult for caregivers.

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to dementia and caregiving is when Sundowning Syndrome is present. It can cause extreme changes in behavior and mood, which can make caring for a loved one extremely difficult.
Loved ones, who were once sweet and mild-mannered, may suddenly lash out. Visual and auditory hallucinations can also accompany the other symptoms of sundowning. This can cause a loved one to wander, even if you leave them alone for just a few minutes.

Caregivers may easily feel like they never get a mental break from the verbal or physical abuse. They may feel like they never get a physical break either because taking one could mean their loved one leaves the house and wanders down the street.

Sadness and denial
One of the hardest things about dementia and caregiving is accepting the person your loved one has become. When once you looked to your father for strength, or to your mother for comfort, you may find that you now have to be those things for your parents. It can be difficult to accept them for who they have become without expecting them to be who they were.

This can result in feelings of sadness, denial, and sometimes even anger. It isn’t uncommon for caregivers to become frustrated with their parents when dealing with their progression of Alzheimer’s or dementia.
There are things that can help with dementia and caregiving, such as learning the right way to communicate with your loved one and keeping to a schedule. Professional assistance can also prevent burnout. Contact Life & Health Care to discover how we can help you stress less when it comes to taking care of a loved one.